Friday, June 24, 2011

The Spot: No Dalmatian

Last week I tweeted [Click to Link] “My apartment is like the girl in the movies no one thinks is hott until she takes off her glasses, lets her hair down and shows up at the prom.”  Recently I moved to New York and my living space-as my land lord described is a “fix-her-upper.” There was a mix of furniture from previous tenants I was able to dig through, clean up and mostly throw out.
There are a number of large book shelves filled with books, magazines, games + videos. Lets watch Def Comedy Jam on VHS! [Authenticity]. While I was organizing I found a number of vintage Playboy and other men’s magazines. Currently, the stack is apart of my “inspiration station” or home office. More great finds inherited include muslin "culture-real" area floor rug, woven laundry basket, distressed cherry wood end table and natural wood chair. In sync but eclectic.