[Above] Macy's Harold Square at 34th Street. The epitome of the Magic of Macy's and the Miracle on 34th Street.
My friend Drew [@goodsonnyc] over at The Whisper Pit [Click to Link] was od-ing a little while ago going around the City snapping shots [Above]. I had a few of my own I wanted to show-he put them all to shame so I decided to let him rock [pause]. I even went as far as framing some of his photography from around the City. I was looking for art for my apartment. I had nothing in mind but I knew what I wanted when I saw this collection of photos. WIll be coming soon to ESB. See "Come Home With Me Preview" [Click to Link].
My friend Drew [@goodsonnyc] over at The Whisper Pit [Click to Link] was od-ing a little while ago going around the City snapping shots [Above]. I had a few of my own I wanted to show-he put them all to shame so I decided to let him rock [pause]. I even went as far as framing some of his photography from around the City. I was looking for art for my apartment. I had nothing in mind but I knew what I wanted when I saw this collection of photos. WIll be coming soon to ESB. See "Come Home With Me Preview" [Click to Link].

Growing up fortunate enough to have had fun, happy and sometime over-the-top Christmases may have subliminally made me a "believer."
My New Years Resolution is to keep believing. I challenge anyone who reads this to believe in something, anything, whatever. Its always nice to have something no one can take from you and since believing not totally of this world it is one of those rarities that fall in this category. This is my take on "Don't Stop Believing" like Journey's 1981 Classic. "Just a city boy/born and raised in South Detroit" translates to me as "just a city boy/born and raised *south of Detroit* [Toledo, OH]."
[Below] Photos of Mr. and Mrs. Daniels at New Years in the early 90's then New Years twenty years later.
Happy Holidays to you any yours. Thank you for visiting and listening. Please continue to do so. Tell a friend to tell a friend to tell a friend. Continue to message me and find me on Twitter @jameldanielsny
Will be "back" in 2012. Happy New Year. Cheers. Lair Soho every Friday Night. New Years Events at Union Square Ballroom, Guastavinos and Chelsea Room. Follow @jameldanielsny and visit jdny.bestnewyears.com for more information. Have a fun and safe Holiday. Wrap it up and practice safe breath!